
TestBox comes also with a nice plethora of reporters:

  • ANTJunit : A specific variant of JUnit XML that works with the ANT junitreport task

  • Codexwiki : Produces MediaWiki syntax for usage in Codex Wiki

  • Console : Sends report to console

  • Doc : Builds semantic HTML to produce nice documentation

  • Dot : Builds an awesome dot report

  • JSON : Builds a report into JSON

  • JUnit : Builds a JUnit compliant report

  • Raw : Returns the raw structure representation of the testing results

  • Simple : A basic HTML reporter

  • Text : Back to the 80's with an awesome text report

  • XML : Builds yet another XML testing report

  • Tap : A test anything protocol reporter

  • Min : A minimalistic view of your test reports

To use a specific reporter append the reporter variable to the url string. ex &reporter=Text

However, you can also build custom reporters very easily.

Last updated

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