Focused Specs and Suites

Specs and suites can be focused so ONLY those suites and specs execute. You will do this by prefixing certain functions with the letter f or by using the focused argument in each of them. The reporters will show that these suites or specs where execute ONLY The functions you can prefix are:

  • it()

  • describe()

  • story()

  • given()

  • when()

  • then()

  • feature()

fstory( "A spec", function() {
     it("was just skipped, so I will never execute", function() {
          coldbox = 0;

          expect( coldbox ).toBe( 1 );

describe("A spec", function() {
     it("is just a closure, so it can contain any code", function() {
          coldbox = 0;

          expect( coldbox ).toBe( 1 );

     fit("can have more than one expectation, but I am skipped", function() {
          coldbox = 0;

          expect( coldbox ).toBe( 1 );
          expect( coldbox ).toBeTrue();

Please note that if a suite is focused, then all of its children will execute.

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