Github Actions

About GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions is an automation platform built in to that makes it easy to automate code quality on your github repos. There are a number of integrations that make using TestBox inside GitHub Actions simple, speedy and powerful so you can get back to writing code.


TestBox Integration

Testing your application with TestBox in GitHub Actions (GHA) begins a workflow.yml file at the root of a .github/workflows/ directory. You can name this file anything you like - I'd suggest build.yml or test.yml - but if it is not a valid Yaml file the GHA workflow will fail.

This file should start with some GHA metadata to dictate when and how the workflow should run:

# .github/workflows/tests.yml
name: Test

      - main
      - master
      - development

This will run the workflow on each commit to the master or main branch. Next, specify a workflow job to execute:

    name: Tests
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - # All job steps go here

Under the jobs.tests.steps is where we will place each sequential testing step. First, we need to check out the repository code and install Java and CommandBox:

      - name: Checkout Repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
          fetch-depth: 0

      - name: Setup Java
        uses: actions/setup-java@v2
          distribution: "adopt"
          java-version: "11"

      - name: Setup CommandBox
        uses: Ortus-Solutions/setup-commandbox@main

If we need to install dependencies, we would do that now:

      - name: Install dependencies
        run: box install

And finally, we can start a CFML server of our choice using CommandBox, before using the testbox run command to run our test suite:

      - name: Start server
        run: box server start cfengine=lucee@5.3 --noSaveSettings

      - name: Run TestBox Tests
        run: box testbox run

If you are using a testing matrix to test against multiple CFML engines, replace lucee@5.3 with ${{ matrix.cfengine }}. See an example here

The full example would look something like this:

# .github/workflows/tests.yml
name: Test

      - main
      - master
      - development
    name: Tests
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout Repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
          fetch-depth: 0

      - name: Setup Java
        uses: actions/setup-java@v2
          distribution: "adopt"
          java-version: "11"

      - name: Setup CommandBox
        uses: Ortus-Solutions/setup-commandbox@main

      - name: Install dependencies
        run: box install

      - name: Start server
        run: box server start cfengine=lucee@5.3 --noSaveSettings

      - name: Run TestBox Tests
        run: box testbox run


In order for the box testbox run to execute correctly, our box.json in our project must be able to connect to our server and know which tests to execute. Here's a basic example showing the most important testbox property: the testbox.runner property:

    "name" : "Package Name",
    // ForgeBox unique slug
    "slug" : "",
    // semantic version of your package
    "version" : "1.0.0+buildID",
    // author of this package
    "author" : "Luis Majano <>",
    // location of where to download the package, overrides ForgeBox location
    "location" : "URL,Git/svn endpoint,etc",

    // testbox integration
    testbox :{
        // The location of the runner
        runner : [
            { "default": "http://localhost:8080/tests/runner.cfm" }

We can also skip setting the testbox.runner property and use the box testbox run "http://localhost:8080/tests/runner.cfm" command format instead. Just be aware that the TestBox integration offers a ton of configuration in case you need to skip certain tests, etc. from your GitHub Actions test run.

See the CommandBox docs for box.json for more details.

Online Example

CBORM is an ORM utility wrapper for ColdBox that takes the pain out of using ORM in CFML. CBORM uses GitHub Actions to test all new commits, to package up new module versions, and even to format all CFML code for every new PR.

See All CBORM Workflows, or see recent GitHub Actions workflow runs here.

Last updated

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