Skipping Tests and Suites

Tests and suites can be skipped from execution by using the skip annotation in the component or function declaration or our skip() methods. The reporters will show that these suites or tests where skipped from execution.

Skip Annotation

The skip annotation can have the following values:

  • nothing - If you just add the annotation, we will detect it and skip the test

  • true - Skips the test

  • false - Does not skip the test

  • {udf_name} - It will look for a UDF with that name, execute it and the value must evalute to boolean.

// Skips ALL the tests if the testEnv() returns TRUE
component displayName="TestBox xUnit suite" skip="testEnv"{

     function setup(){
          application.wirebox = new coldbox.system.ioc.Injector();
          structClear( request );

     function teardown(){
          structDelete( application, "wirebox" );
          structClear( request );
     function betaTest() skip{

     function testThrows() skip="true"{
               var hello = application.wirebox.getInstance( "myINvalidService" ).run();

     function testNotThrows(){
               var hello = application.wirebox.getInstance( "MyValidService" ).run();;

     private boolean function testEnv(){
          return ( structKeyExists( request, "env") && request.env == "stg" ? true : false );


Skip Methods

You can also skip manually by using the skip() method in the Assertion library and also in any bundle which is inherited by the BaseSpec class.

$assert.skip( message="", detail="" )

You can use the $assert.skip( message, detail ) method to skip any spec or suite a-la-carte instead of as an argument to the function definitions. This lets you programmatically skip certain specs and suites and pass a nice message.

function testThrows(){
          var hello = application.wirebox.getInstance( "myINvalidService" ).run()

skip( message="", detail="" )

The BaseSpec has this method available to you as well.

it( "can use a mocked stub", function(){
    // If conditions met, then skip
    if( !conditionsMet() ){
        skip( "conditions for execution not met" )

    c = createStub().$( "getData", 4 )
    r = calc.add( 4, c.getData() )
    expect( r ).toBe( 8 )
    expect( c.$once( "getData" ) ).toBeTrue()
} );

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