
In addition to the life-cycle methods, you can make any method a life-cycle method by giving it the desired annotation in its function definition. This is especially useful for parent classes that want to hook in to the TestBox life-cycle.

  • @beforeAll - Executes once before all specs for the entire test bundle CFC

  • @afterAll - Executes once after all specs complete in the test bundle CFC

  • @beforeEach - Executes before every single spec in a single describe block and receives the currently executing spec.

  • @afterEach - Executes after every single spec in a single describe block and receives the currently executing spec.

  • @aroundEach - Executes around the executing spec so you can provide code surrounding the spec.

Below are several examples using script notation.

DBTestCase.cfc (parent class)

component extends="coldbox.system.testing.BaseTestCase"{

     * @aroundEach
    function wrapInDBTransaction( spec, suite ){
        transaction action="begin" {
            try {
            } catch (any e) {
            } finally {
                transaction action="rollback"


component extends="DBTestCase"{

     * @beforeEach
    function setupColdBox() {

    function run() {
        given( "I have a two posts", function(){
            when( "I visit the home page", function(){
                then( "There should be two posts on the page", function(){
                    queryExecute( "INSERT INTO posts (body) VALUES ('Test Post One')" );
                    queryExecute( "INSERT INTO posts (body) VALUES ('Test Post Two')" );

                    var event = execute( event = "main.index", renderResults = true );

                    var content = event.getCollection().cbox_rendered_content;

                    expect(content).toMatch( "Test Post One" );
                    expect(content).toMatch( "Test Post Two" );

This also helps parent classes enforce their setup methods are called by annotating the methods with @beforeAll. No more forgetting to call super.beforeAll()!

You can have as many annotated methods as you would like. TestBox discovers them up the inheritance chain and calls them in reverse order.

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