You can tag a bundle component declaration with the boolean asyncAll annotation and TestBox will execute all specs in separate threads for you concurrently.
component displayName="TestBox xUnit suite" skip="testEnv" asyncAll=true{
function setup(){
application.wirebox = new coldbox.system.ioc.Injector();
structClear( request );
function teardown(){
structDelete( application, "wirebox" );
structClear( request );
function testThrows() skip="true"{
var hello = application.wirebox.getInstance( "myINvalidService" ).run();
function testNotThrows(){
var hello = application.wirebox.getInstance( "MyValidService" ).run();;
private boolean function testEnv(){
return ( structKeyExists( request, "env") && request.env == "stg" ? true : false );
Caution Once you delve into the asynchronous world you will have to make sure your tests are also thread safe (var-scoped) and provide any necessary locking.