Every test harness comes with a runner.bx or runner.cfm in the root of the tests folder. This is called the web runner and is executable via the web server you are running your application on. This will execute all the tests by convention found in the tests/specs folder.
You can open that file and customize it as you see fit. Here is an example of such a file:
<!--- Executes all tests in the 'specs' folder with simple reporter by default --->
<bx:param name="url.reporter" default="simple">
<bx:param name="url.directory" default="tests.specs">
<bx:param name="url.recurse" default="true" type="boolean">
<bx:param name="url.bundles" default="">
<bx:param name="url.labels" default="">
<bx:param name="url.excludes" default="">
<bx:param name="url.reportpath" default="#expandPath( "/tests/results" )#">
<bx:param name="url.propertiesFilename" default="TEST.properties">
<bx:param name="url.propertiesSummary" default="false" type="boolean">
<bx:param name="url.editor" default="vscode">
<bx:param name="url.bundlesPattern" default="*Spec*.cfc|*Test*.cfc|*Spec*.bx|*Test*.bx">
<!--- Code Coverage requires FusionReactor --->
<bx:param name="url.coverageEnabled" default="false">
<bx:param name="url.coveragePathToCapture" default="#expandPath( '/root' )#">
<bx:param name="url.coverageWhitelist" default="">
<bx:param name="url.coverageBlacklist" default="/testbox,/coldbox,/tests,/modules,Application.cfc,/index.cfm,Application.bx,/index.bxm">
<!---<bx:param name="url.coverageBrowserOutputDir" default="#expandPath( '/tests/results/coverageReport' )#">--->
<!---<bx:param name="url.coverageSonarQubeXMLOutputPath" default="#expandPath( '/tests/results/SonarQubeCoverage.xml' )#">--->
<!--- Enable batched code coverage reporter, useful for large test bundles which require spreading over multiple testbox run commands. --->
<!--- <bx:param name="url.isBatched" default="false"> --->
<!--- Include the TestBox HTML Runner --->
<bx:include template="/testbox/system/runners/HTMLRunner.cfm" >
Test Bundle Execution
If you make your test bundle class inherit from our testbox.system.BaseSpec class, you will be able to execute the class directly via the URL: